How do I create a new administrator account?

Perform the following steps to create a temporary Admin account for Notable Care support to access your site.

Note: Please do not create an account for Notable Theme’s Support unless requested by Notable Themes.

From your WordPress Dashboard:

1. Click Users
2. Click “Add New”
3. Under “Add New User”:

  1. For username type: notablethemes
  2. Type an email address. For example: [email protected]
  3. Set role to Administrator
  4. Confirm “Send the new user an email about their account.” is checked.
  5. Click the “Add New User” button.
  6. Follow up with Notable Support via email with your website’s URL and confirm you created an account.

Add New User Screenshot

After your question is resolved delete the user account your created:

  1. Go to Users > All Users
  2. Select the check box to the left of the username
  3. Select Remove in the Bulk Options dropdown box.
  4. Click Apply
  5. Click “Confirm Removal” when asked to confirm.
